Our service
Tax advice
Tax advice and consultation
Taxpayer representation at authorities
Social service tax optimization advice
Corporate tax optimization advice
Private tax solution and tax returns, tax simulation ”online” (from 100 euro per hour, incl VAT)
Tax Seminar at your office
The legal and tax environment is certainly one of the most important reasons why Luxembourg is attractive to companies looking for a location for their headquarters.
Taxation in Luxembourg
Tax Rates
Luxembourg has favorable tax treaty agreements with 57 countries;
it has a very competitive company taxation rate of 29.22% (corporate tax of 21.00% + unemployment surcharge 0,7% + municipal business tax 6.75% + wealth tax of 0.5% of net assets);
however, most investment vehicles are either exempt from such taxes or the tax base is reduced to zero by certain exemptions;
there are no withholding taxes on dividends, paid to EU or double tax treaty resident companies;
no withholding taxes on interest and royalties.
About private taxation
Resident and non-resident taxpayers liable for taxation(taxation by assessment) are required to report their income by filing a tax return (form 100).
Depending on their situation (married, in a partnership or single, with or without children), taxpayers are taxed either jointly or individually. Taxpayers who are taxed jointly only file a single tax return listing all of their income. The tax is determined on the basis of the taxpayers' aggregate joint net income, and is payable by them as a unit.
Deadlines : The tax return (form 100) should be filed with the relevant tax office preferably by 30 of June of the year following the tax year in question, and observing the specific submission deadlines indicated by the different departments of the Luxembourg Inland Revenue (Administration des contributions directes - ACD). But obligatory your tax return must be sent before 31st of December of the year following the tax year in question.
You can book Online Tax Consultation at Advensys Conseil and get simulation of your private or family (joint) tax rates.
For more questions and filing your Tax Return 2019 and 2020 , please, message here : taxes@advensys-conseil.lu
Why to cooperate with
Advensys Conseil?
We work with multiple
French, British
Fixed prices
We offer “one-stop-
accounting service,
tax advice and returns,
guidance, coaching
More then 15 years
We love our clients,
enjoy to contribute
to their success
and passionate about
our work
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